Wayward Children: Jewish Monsters, Magic, and the Stories We Tell
According to Jewish tradition, the world around us is filled with demons, ghosts, giants and angels, and creatures of all types. But Judaism today tends to downplay and rationalize them away, to the point where they’re just forgotten dusty metaphors. But for millenia, Jews have lived with these creatures and have had practical means for coping with them.
Join Jack Zaientz a scholar of all things Jewish folklore and mythology and John Baltisberger, the award-winning author of Jewish horror and fantasy as they explore the topics of mythic Judaism and discuss it's survival and use in modern day culture both pop and otherwise.
Podcasting since 2023 • 28 episodes
Wayward Children: Jewish Monsters, Magic, and the Stories We Tell
Latest Episodes
Omens and Portents of Future Past
This week we talk about Omens!Hilariously this episode was supposed to go up before Hannukah but John has been through the ringer. ALSO hilariously Jack talks about how its okay that John is not good about hitting posting deadlines. But ...

I Wish the Goblin King Would Come and Take this Menorah!
This week we discuss CHANNUKAH! That's right, the reason for the season is latkes, dreidels, candles, and of course goblins!But what are goblins in the Jewish tradition? Why are they involved in Channukah? Why is Channukah a punk rock a...

Talking about Talking Animals
This week Jack and John try to take it a bit easy and then argue about animals! Listen as we describe a terrible frog, a clever ass, and of course how fables modern and ancient fit into the fabric of sacred mythology.

We Don't Need No Man, and Neither Does Lillith
This week we talk about the sexiest figure in Jewish mythology. The queen of demons, a woman who looked the archetypal man in the eyes and said. "No, I will not be subservient. I am woman, and I would rather be a queen of demons than serve anyo...

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